Future   Energy

 Everyone has the right to access clean, unlimited power anywhere.

Think about it, is the cornerstone of our sustainable development the intermittent, unpredictable solar energy that always leaves half of humanity in darkness?

The answer is definitely NO, it's Gravity.

Gravity is an inexhaustible natural resource and a massive energy reserve. Through various energy conversion technologies based on gravitational effects, we can effectively utilize this resource to provide clean, renewable, and sustainable energy for human society.

Will you still ignore or resist gravity if you know these facts?

Gravity is a fundamental natural force.

First principles, gravity is a fundamental natural force that is ubiquitous and always present in nature. Gravity is not only an important concept in physics, but also a highly valuable form of energy. It is the most abundant form of energy in the universe.

Many renewable energy sources used by humans are directly or indirectly generated by the gravitational effect.

The energy produced by the mass of the sun and its gravitational effects:

Solar Energy

Solar energy is the energy generated by sunlight shining on the surface of the earth. The high temperature and pressure inside the sun are due to the sun’s own gravity. Gravity is a fundamental physical interaction that is caused by the mutual attraction between objects due to mass or energy. Therefore, gravity is indeed a form of energy that can compress and heat objects. Solar energy can be converted into electrical or thermal energy through solar panels, solar water heaters, solar windmills and other equipment to provide clean, renewable and unlimited energy for humans.

Wind Energy

Wind energy is the energy generated by the kinetic energy of wind. Wind is caused by uneven solar radiation on the surface of the earth. Wind energy can be converted into electrical or mechanical energy through wind turbines, windmills and other equipment to provide clean, renewable and unlimited energy for humans.

Controlled Nuclear Fusion

Controlled nuclear fusion is a technology that simulates the principle of solar fusion, uses gravity to produce high temperature and pressure, and achieves clean and unlimited energy. It attempts to replicate the process of sunlight and heat by fusing hydrogen atoms under extreme conditions. Controlled nuclear fusion can be converted into electrical or thermal energy through fusion reactors, fusion furnaces and other equipment to provide clean, renewable and unlimited energy for humans.

The energy produced by the mass of the earth and its gravitational effects:

Tidal Power Generation

Tidal power generation is the energy generated by ocean tidal movements. Tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between the earth, moon and sun. Tidal power can be converted into electrical energy through tidal power stations, tidal turbines and other equipment to provide clean, renewable and unlimited energy for humans.

Hydropower Generation

Hydropower generation is the energy generated by water flow. Water flow is caused by differences in water level or water pressure on the surface of the earth due to gravity. Hydropower can be converted into electrical or mechanical energy through water turbines, pumps and other equipment to provide clean, renewable and unlimited energy for humans.

Gravity Power Generation

Gravity power generation is the energy generated by falling heavy objects. The fall of heavy objects is caused by displacement or velocity changes due to gravity. Gravity power can be converted into light or electrical energy through gravity lamps, gravity generators and other equipment to provide clean, renewable and unlimited energy for humans.


Earth's gravity is the attraction force of the Earth on other objects, and it's related to Earth's mass and distance:

Gravity: Earth's gravity causes objects on the planet to experience a force towards its center, known as gravity. Gravity allows us to stand on Earth's surface and keeps objects on the ground instead of floating in space.

Terrain and Geology: Earth's gravity impacts the shape and internal structure of the planet. Gravity keeps Earth in a near-spherical shape and exerts pressure on rocks within the Earth, causing deformation and movement.

Climate and Atmosphere: Earth's gravity affects the climate and atmospheric circulation on the planet. Gravity influences the distribution of gases and liquids in the oceans and atmosphere, thus impacting weather and climate.

Astronomy and Orbits: Earth's gravity affects the orbits of its satellites (e.g., the Moon) and other celestial bodies like planets and asteroids. 

Infinite Energy 

The high temperature and pressure inside the sun are due to the sun's own gravity. 

So, what about Earth's gravity?

Gravity is All You Need

Our goal is to utilize the most prevalent and abundant natural resource in the universe – gravity – to address the challenges of sustainable human development. Our vision is to provide clean, safe, convenient, and affordable electricity to every person, regardless of location, time, or climate.

Today, we have made further breakthroughs in the field of gravity power generation. It is expected to change the energy landscape and lifestyle of humanity.Our gravity power generation technology utilizes the gravitational effects that exist between the Earth and other objects, as well as the principle of non-isolated systems in thermodynamics, whereby the energy converting system can exchange energy with the Earth through gravity and convert it into electricity.

Gravity is an inexhaustible natural resource and a huge energy reserve. Through various energy conversion technologies based on gravitational effects, we can effectively utilize this resource to provide clean, renewable and sustainable energy for human society. Compared with traditional fossil energy sources, gravity power generation has the advantages of being pollution-free, sustainable and low-cost. It is considered to be an important development direction in the field of future energy. Gravity power generation technology has the advantages of low cost, stability and reliability, and harmlessness to the environment. It is expected to become one of the important sources of clean energy in the future.

It is completely a low-cost, low maintenance cost, zero emission/ pollution/noise/radiation/carbon renewable energy power generation system, which is safer, more convenient and more reliable than solar and wind energy. Energy conversion devices can be combined in any combination, small, medium or large capacity. They can also be portable, grid-compatible, or independent, giving users more choice and flexibility. They can operate anywhere, anytime, at any scale, and are suitable for various occasions and needs, such as homes, factories, vehicles, ships, aircraft, etc. We believe that our technology will revolutionize human life and solve the challenges of climate change and sustainable human development.

We ensure the realization of the vision of protecting the earth through a new energy paradigm. This energy paradigm is based on renewable energy and clean technology, aimed at truly stopping greenhouse gas emissions and zero pollution to protect the earth, promote economic development and social well-being. We believe that this energy paradigm is the trend of the future and our responsibility to the next generation. 

Isolated System and Non-isolated System

Thermodynamic System

Thermodynamic systems can be divided into three types: open systems, closed systems, and isolated systems. Open systems can exchange matter and energy with the outside world, closed systems can exchange energy with the outside world but not matter, and isolated systems do not exchange matter or energy with the outside world.

The difference between a perpetual motion machine and an energy conversion device lies in whether the system exchanges energy with the outside world, whether it is a non-isolated system or an isolated system.

Solar panels are a non-isolated system that converts the energy of solar radiation into electrical energy. If we consider solar panels as an energy conversion device, then it does not violate the laws of thermodynamics because it does not create or consume energy out of thin air, but rather obtains some energy from the outside world and converts it into another form.

However, if we consider solar panels as a perpetual motion machine, then it is impossible to achieve because it cannot continue to operate and do work without external input. In other words, if we consider the sun as part of the system, then solar panels are a non-isolated system; if we consider the sun as external to the system, then solar panels are an isolated system. In this case, the difference between a perpetual motion machine and an energy conversion device lies in whether the system has energy exchange with the outside world.

In the future, humanity will harness the power of gravity to meet their energy needs. Imagine a world where cities are powered by gravity-based energy systems, where vehicles on the road generate electricity as they move, and where buildings are equipped with gravity-powered generators. People will no longer be dependent on traditional energy sources that harm the environment, and will have access to affordable and clean electricity anywhere and anytime. This energy paradigm shift will revolutionize the way we live and work, making the world a better place for future generations.


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